Zfs Volume Manager

ZFS is scalable, and includes extensive protection against data corruption, support for high storage capacities, efficient data compression, integration of the concepts of filesystem and volume management, snapshots and copy-on-write clones, continuous integrity checking and automatic repair, RAID-Z, native NFSv4 ACLs, and can be very precisely configured.

  1. ZFS volume is three times slower on sequential write, and 20% slower on sequential read then the Global Zone; the VDI disk performance can actually be higher (sic) than in Global Zone. The first takeaway may mean that unneeded fsync occurs on some layer and the second takeaway may mean that something fishy is happening with synchronizing.
  2. If you manage storage servers, chances are you are already aware of ZFS and some of the features and functions it boasts. In short, ZFS is a combined all-purpose filesystem and volume manager that simplifies data storage management while offering some advanced features, including drive pooling with software RAID support, file snapshots, in-line data compression, data deduplication, built-in.


ZFS is a combined file system and logical volume managerdesigned and implemented by a team at Sun Microsystems led by Jeff Bonwick and Matthew Ahrens. Its development started in 2001 and it was officially announced in 2004. In 2005 it was integrated into the main trunk of Solaris and released as part of OpenSolaris. Currently, as of January 2015, it is native to Solaris, OpenSolaris, OpenIndiana, illumos, Joyent SmartOS, OmniOS, FreeBSD, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD systems, NetBSD, OSv and supported on Mac OS with MacZFS.

The name 'ZFS' originally stood for 'Zettabyte File System'. Currently it can store up to 256 ZiB (zebibytes).

Installing ZFS on Ubuntu

The ZFS filesystem is available for Ubuntu as either a FUSE module or a native kernel module. Spam bot on mac. The kernel module is provided by default. To install the user-level tools, simply install:

sudo apt install zfsutils-linux

For all current versions from 16.04 onward.

In addition to be able to have ZFS on root, install:

sudo apt install zfs-initramfs

See also:


  • Native ZFS for Ubuntu PPA (for 64b systems only)

  • Native ZFS for Linux project home.

  • ZFS-FUSE project (deprecated).


Zfs Volume Manager

Ubuntu server, and Linux servers in general compete with other Unixes and Microsoft Windows. ZFS is a killer-app for Solaris, as it allows straightforward administration of a pool of disks, while giving intelligent performance and data integrity.

ZFS does away with partitioning, EVMS, LVM, MD, etc. The available disks (of any size) are used to the best of their ability. Compression can be used to increase bandwidth. (q.v. Reiser 4, and cloop?)

Zfs Volume Manager Mac

ZFS is 128-bit, meaning it is very scalable. (e.g. 16 exabyte limit). Along with its record-setting scalability, it has a number of features that no other file system in production has:

  • State-of-the-art unsurpassed data reliability (including silent corruption detection and automatic data repair, if available) from end to end, thanks to transparent checksums in parent block pointers

  • Elimination of the RAID5 write hole that usually requires battery-powered disk technology or UPS technology to keep RAID arrays consistent in case of power failures
  • Online array reconstruction / reassemble, in a fraction of the time usually required to reconstruct an array, thanks to reconstruction dependent on contents rather than on disk topology
  • Online check (scrub) and online resilver of faulty, to verify and preserve the validity of on-disk data in the face of silent disk data corruption
  • Automatic deduplication and compression of data, selectable per volume or filesystem according to administrator policy
Zfs Volume Manager

ZFS achieves its impressive performance through a number of techniques:

  • Dynamic striping across all devices to maximize throughput
  • Copy-on-write design makes most disk writes sequential
  • Multiple block sizes, automatically chosen to match workload
  • Explicit I/O priority with deadline scheduling
  • Globally optimal I/O sorting and aggregation
  • Multiple independent prefetch streams with automatic length and stride detection for maximum streaming performance
  • Unlimited, instantaneous read/write snapshots
  • Parallel, constant-time directory operations

Sun ZFS article (archived on archive.org)

Use cases

Zfs Volume Manager Reviews

  • Dani is a sys admin for a medium-size business. She spends 20% of her time planning/changing/administering/repairing the disk arrays of three servers. With ZFS, this time is cut in half.
  • Power user Petra has a four-disk RAID5 workstation. Parity calculations make this a fairly slow set-up because of the number of writes of small files. She upgrades to ZFS and sees performance benefits, because small files are mirrored instead of included in parity calculations.
  • Manuel has a mirrored disk array. Fluctuations in his computer's PSU are causing silent data corruption errors. ZFS detects the errors and reports back those errors to Manuel, protecting the data already on disk from further corruption.
  • Andreas has a disk that has suffered a partial failure. Since he chose a policy of two copies for his personal file system volume, he may be able to recover some of his latest personal data without having to resort to tape backups.
  • John has an 18-disk SAS array configured to run mirrored, each nine-disk group containing one RAIDZ2 leg. One of the disks experiences a catastrophic disk motor failure. John deactivates the disk online, replaces it with a fresh one, activates that disk, then uses the ZFS zpool replace command to replace the faulty disk. ZFS automatically reconstructs the data on that disk with zero downtime and minimal data transfer or performance impact to the array.

Zfs Volume Manager Login

ZFS (last edited 2019-01-22 22:16:08 by seth-arnold)

Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) is a logical volume manager software provided by Sun. ZFS is a type of file system presenting a pooled storage model that Sun developed. File systems can directly draw from a common storage pool (zpool). Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) can be used on the same system as SVM and ZFS disks.


VxVM protects devices in use by SVM or ZFS from any VxVM operations that may overwrite the disk. These operations include initializing the disk for use by VxVM or encapsulating the disk. If you attempt to perform one of these VxVM operations a device that is in use by SVM or ZFS, VxVM displays an error message.

Before you can manage an SVM disk or a ZFS disk with VxVM, you must remove it from SVM or ZFS control. Similarly, to begin managing a VxVM disk with SVM or ZFS, you must remove the disk from VxVM control.

To determine if a disk is in use by SVM or ZFS

  • Use the vxdisk list command:

To reuse a VxVM disk as a ZFS disk or an SVM disk

  1. If the disk is in a disk group, remove the disk from the disk group or destroy the disk group.

    To remove the disk from the disk group:

    To destroy the disk group:

  2. Remove the disk from VxVM control

  3. You can now initialize the disk as a SVM/ZFS device using ZFS/SVM tools.

    See the Sun documentation for details.

    You must perform step 1 and step 2 in order for VxVM to recognize a disk as SVM or ZFS device.

To reuse a ZFS disk or an SVM disk as a VxVM disk

  1. Remove the disk from the zpool or SVM metadevice, or destroy the zpool or SVM metadevice.

    See the Sun documentation for details.

  2. Convert 3ds to cia using godmode9. Clear the signature block using the dd command:

    Where c#t#d#s# is the disk slice on which the ZFS device or the SVM device is configured. If the whole disk is used as the ZFS device, clear the signature block on slice 0.

  3. You can now initialize the disk as a VxVM device using the vxdiskadm command or the vxdisksetup command.

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